As part of the RIPE Hackathon on the health of the Internet during the COVID-19 crisis, we hacked this experimental interface to look at network delays during national lockdowns. This is an attempt to monitor and study congestion that could occur at large eyeball networks during mass quarantines.
Select a country below to display estimated delays from major eyeball ASes. As a reference we display a week of data taken one month before the lockdown (left plots), then show the week during the official lockdown (center plots), and the latest 7 days of data (right plots). All dates and times are UTC.
Displayed delays are computed from RIPE Atlas traceroutes towards Google DNS, the networks' main upstream providers, and, for European countries, two large IXPs (AMS-IX and DE-CIX), and the E-root DNS server for other countries. See also our documentation on network delays and RIPE Labs article.
Be patient. Loading all graphs may take some time for certain countries.